Photo of Beatriz del Busto Venezuela

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2009 - "PLAY WITH INKS" Exhibition Hall of the Institution Mirandinos, Los Puertos de Altagracia - State Zulia - Venezuela

2007 - "WEDDING OF INK AND PAPER" BBVA Exhibition Hall of Valladolid - Spain

2005 - "A TWO INKS" Central Exhibition Hall Venezolano Americano del Zulia - CEVAZ, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2004 -...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2013, - 40 AÑOS 40 NUESTROS Cevaz Gallry, Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia CEVAZ Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela
  • 2012, “LIBRO DE ARTISTA” Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Estado Zulia / Venezuela -“CORAZÓN EN EL ARTE 35 X 35” 700 Arte y Antigüedades, Maracaibo, Estado Zulia / Venezuela
  • 2011, - X SALON MES DEL ARTISTA PLÁSTICO ARMANDO REVERON Museo de Arte Moderno y Museo de Arte Colonial de Mérida, Estado Mérida / Venezuela - XI VELADA DE SANTA LUCIA 2011 Calle del Arte - Parroquia Santa Lucía, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / V
  • 2010, - “ARTE TEXTIL CONTEMPORANEO” Flor de Venezuela, Barquisimeto - Estado Lara / Venezuela - “PREMIO CALIFORNIA” DE PEQUEÑO FORMATO Latino Art Museum Ontario Center, Ontario - California / USA - MOSTRA COLLETTIVA - ARTE CONTEMPORANEA
  • 2009, - FIAM 2009 Feria Internacional de Arte y Antigüedades de Maracaibo Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lía Bermúdez, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - VI SALON NACIONAL DE ARTES PLASTICAS AVAP-GUARICO (2do. Premio) Casa de la Cul
  • 2008, - FIAM 2008 Feria Internacional de Arte y Antigüedades de Maracaibo Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lía Bermúdez, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - ZULIA ACTUAL Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia (MACZUL), Maracaibo - Estado
  • 2007, - CERTAMEN MAYOR DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS 2007 Capítulo ARTES VISUALES Consejo Nacional de la Cultura CONAC - Exposición Regional del Zulia Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Estado Zulia MACZUL, Maracaibo / Venezuela
  • 2006, - CERTAMEN MAYOR DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS 2006 Capítulo ARTES VISUALES Consejo Nacional de la Cultura CONAC - Exposición Regional del Zulia Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Estado Zulia MACZUL, Maracaibo / Venezuela - 5to Salón CEVAZ
  • 2005, - CERTAMEN MAYOR DE LAS ARTES Y LAS LETRAS 2005 Capítulo ARTES VISUALES Consejo Nacional de la Cultura CONAC - Exposición Nacional Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas Sofía Imber - Caracas Consejo Nacional de la Cultura CONAC - Exp

Awards received

  • 2009, - 2do. Premio VI SALON NACIONAL DE ARTES PLASTICAS AVAP-GUARICO Casa de la Cultura “Francisco Lazo Martí”, Calabozo - Edo. Guárico / Venezuela (2009) - Mención Honorífica I BIENAL DE ARTES PLÁSTICAS CHIARA LIBICH (Concurso In Situ) Plaza de la Repúbl
  • 2007, BOTÓN “ARMANDO REVERÓN 2007” Secretaría de Cultura del Estado Zulia - Gobernación del Estado Zulia Maracaibo – Estado Zulia / Venezuela (2007)

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Photo of Beatriz del Busto Venezuela


2009 - "PLAY WITH INKS" Exhibition Hall of the Institution Mirandinos, Los Puertos de Altagracia - State Zulia - Venezuela

2007 - "WEDDING OF INK AND PAPER" BBVA Exhibition Hall of Valladolid - Spain

2005 - "A TWO INKS" Central Exhibition Hall Venezolano Americano del Zulia - CEVAZ, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2004 - "FOREST NO STAIRWAY" Exhibition Hall Library Central Bank of Venezuela Torre Sur, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2001 - "XEROFITUD" Sala "Armando Reveron" Universidad Cecilio Acosta - UNICA, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

1999 - "DOUBLE SUN" LUZ Art Gallery" Emerio Dario Lunar ", Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela


2010 - "CALIFORNIA AWARD" FOR SMALL SIZE, Latino Art Museum in Pomona, California / USA


2009 - IFMA 2009 (International Art & Antiques Maracaibo), Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lia Bermudez, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

- VI NATIONAL SALON OF ART AVAP-Guarico, Casa de la Cultura, Calabozo - Guarico State / Venezuela ---- 2nd. AWARD "27 Anniversary AVAP-Guarico"

- "Creative essence." Casa Museo Gabriel Bracho, Los Puertos de Altagracia, Zulia / Venezuela

- I SALON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARTS, University Art Gallery of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas / Venezuela

- 25 ALUMNI IN THE 25 TH ANNIVERSARY OF UNIVERSITY "CECILIO ACOSTA", Ateneo Fine Arts Center in Maracaibo, Zulia / Venezuela

- I BIENNIAL OF ART Chiara Lubich (Competition In Situ), Plaza of the Republic, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela ---- HONORABLE MENTION

- "VINCULARTE", Miluna Gallery, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2008 - IFMA 2008 (International Art & Antiques Maracaibo), Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lia Bermudez, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

- CURRENT ZULIA Museum of Contemporary Art Zulia (MACZUL), Maracaibo - State Zulia / Venezuela

- 3rd. EXHIBITION "THE VIEW FROM SPANISH AMERICA 2008" Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lia Bermudez, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

- WOMEN IN THE ARTS, 700 Art and Antiques Gallery, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

- 8th. EVENING OF SANTA LUCIA, Art Street Parish St. Lucia, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2007 - "OBJETUAL" Tribute to the master of light Armando Reveron - CONTEST OVER ARTS AND VISUAL ARTS LETTERS 2007 Chapter National Council of Culture CONAC - Regional Exhibition of Contemporary Art Museum Zulia State MACZUL Zulia, Maracaibo - Zulia State / Gallery Miluna Venezuela-Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2006 - CONTEST OVER THE ARTS AND LETTERS 2006 Chapter ARTS VISUAL National Council of Culture CONAC - Regional Exhibition of Contemporary Art Museum Zulia State MACZUL Zulia, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - 5th SALON CEVAZ CEVAZ Emerging Artists Gallery, Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia CEVAZ Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela

2005 - MUSIC FOR THE PLASTIC 2005 Museo de Bellas Artes Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - CONTEST OVER THE ARTS AND LETTERS 2005 Chapter: Visual Arts National Council of Culture CONAC - National Exhibition of Contemporary Art Museum of Caracas - MACC Caracas / Venezuela National Council of Culture CONAC - Regional Gallery Exhibition July Arraga Ministry of Culture of Zulia State Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela Zulia Selected for the Mixed category at the 2005 National - BOOK FAIR III TRIBUTE TO 400 YEARS OF QUIXOTE Universidad Catolica Cecilio Acosta UNICA Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - VISUAL ARTS LOUNGE TRIBUTE TO SUNDAY MEDINA Edit, Museum of Coro Coro Arts - State Falcón / Venezuela - II mega-exhibition Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL Zulia - Maracaibo - Edo. Zulia / Venezuela Museo de Bellas Artes Caracas - Venezuela


-DEGREE VISUAL ARTS Honorable Mention: MAGNA CUM LAUDE Universidad Cecilio Acosta - UNICA Faculty of Arts and Music Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (2001 - 2005) - TRAINING WORKSHOPS AND UPDATE PROCESS CONAC Museology National Council of Culture, Arts Centre Maracaibo Lia Bermudez, Maracaibo - State. Zulia / Venezuela - COURSE CURRENT contemporary aesthetic "Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - SEMINAR VENEZUELAN TWENTIETH CENTURY ART" Art Center Maracaibo Lia Bermudez, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - University BATIK WORKSHOP Catholic "Cecilio Acosta, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - SCULPTURE WORKSHOP" wood and stone carving "Catholic University" Cecilio Acosta, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - WORKSHOP BINDING AND MANUFACTURE OF PAPER Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - Universidad Catolica lithography "Cecilio Acosta, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - SEMINAR" THE ASSEMBLY AND FACILITIES "Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo - State Zulia / Venezuela - COURSE CONSERVATION OF WORKS OF ART "CONAC National Council of Culture, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia / Venezuela - FREE OF CONTINUOUS LEARNING WORKSHOPS (Approx. to the Work of Art / Pictorial Introduction to Exercise / Introduction to galleristic / Painting Technique Water). Ministry of Culture of the State of Zulia, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (1997 - 2000) - Visual Arts - SUBJECT: Painting School of Arts "Neptalí Corner", Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (1992 - 1996) - PRINTMAKING WORKSHOP University of Zulia, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (February 1996) - Course in Museology CONAC National Council of Culture, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (1994)


- VI NATIONAL SALON OF ART AVAP-GUARICO - 2nd. Award, Casa de la Cultura, Calabozo, Guarico State / Venezuela (2009)

- I BIENNIAL OF ART Chiara Lubich (Competition In Situ) Honorable Mention, Republic Square, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (2009)

- BUTTON Armando Reveron 2007 "Ministry of Culture of the State Zulia - Maracaibo Zulia State Government - State Zulia / Venezuela (2007)

- V COMPETITION BIENNALE PAINTING "SAN JOSE DE LA MATILLA" DiLoreto Eugenio Cultural Foundation Special Mention, Student Category, Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (1999)

- CONTEST "A LOGO FOR THE STUDENT CENTER" (1st Prize) School of Arts Neptalí Corner ", Maracaibo - Estado Zulia-Venezuela (1998)

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